Gentle-Robots… Start Your Microprocessors!
If you thought that factory robots took the weekend off like you do (well, most of you), then you haven’t seen a ROBO RALLY yet. When the supervisors are gone and the cameras have been angled to watch the ceiling, the robots take charge and participate in exciting and deadly race-battles.
ROBO RALLY is a competitive racing game full of robotic chaos! Program your robot to tag checkpoints, attach powerful upgrades, and turn this dreary old warehouse into a fabulous fast and frenzied fun factory!
Includes 6 pre-painted robot miniatures!
Over 80 different possible race course possibilities! Includes four double-sided factory gameboards, and thirteen pre-made race courses.
Options for short or long races, starter through advanced courses, and variants for play!
This is the latest version of Robo Rally!